Contact for transportation from Guadalajara to La Quinta.
Contacto para transporte de Guadalajara a La Quinta.
Martha Alejandra Mancilla
+52 33 1574 2609 (from USA)
3315742609 (MX)
Blanca Jaime Aguilar (from USA)
+52 33 1063 5147
3310635147 (MX)
Contact Martha, in case she doesn't answer contact Blanca, and say you need transportation for La Quinta San Carlos Boda Cristian y Yesenia. Tell her the number in your party. If your party is arriving in different flights on the same day, she can wait for 1hr for more people to arrive and go together. You can also arrange with her, to take you back to the airport.
Comunicate con Martha, en caso de que no conteste, comunicate con Blanca. Menciona Boda Cristian y Yesenia, Quinta San Carlos. Con ella arreglas cuantas personas son, y si tienes mas personas que llegan en un vuelo mas tarde, puede esperar por maximo de 1hr. Tambien puedes coordinar con ella el regeso al aeropuerto.
Car: for 4 people $2,200 pesos
Car: for 6 people $2,400 pesos
Car: for 14 people $2,900 pesos
extra cost: parking (airport)/estacionamineto (aeropuerto)
She can also transport less then 4 people, contact her for a quote.
Ella tambien puede llevar menos de 4 personas, comunicarse con ella para costos.
This prices are during the day, if the arrival is between 1am and 5am, the cost is different, contact her for a quote.
Estos precios son durante el dia, si son entre 1am y 5am los costos son diferentes, comunicate con ella para la tarifa.
You must reserve with $500 pesos to keep your date and time of arrival.
Se reserva con $500 pesos, para respetar tu reserva del dia y hora de llegada.
Can't wait to see you!
Nos vemos pronto!